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Updated: May 19, 2024

Poetry is my therapy. 

If I don't talk about grey 

skies and dark days,

I'm depicting half the story.

I'm just using social media as 

a filter to hide reality.

If i have to suffer I'm taking the

pen with me. 

These lines are my weapon

like a soldier fighting against 

an enemy.

I come prepared.

These words are like stairs 

leading me out of the tragedy.

I choose to expose the pain

for when the day comes when I 

achieve victory; 

someone will have a reason

to look within and realise they

are stronger than the adversity.

Updated: Jan 21

I was driving on the M25 when I received that call...

hoping you would survive. I thank God I got to hold you before you took your last breath in this life.

I know the light from heaven was making the way clear for your departure - to propel you into your eternal future. You always showed respect, adored the architect of life, and revered the One who steered you through the difficult seasons. You never needed a reason to smile and express your love even in those trying times.

Whenever I was stressed, you would always calm me with your warm embrace, which was laced with your love and caring nature. Your faith enabled you to be strong and make a difference in other people’s lives.

Our memory of you will always shine, so I come forth with these lines to thank you for how you impacted your children’s and grandchildren’s lives.

Now that you have risen into heaven, we will say ciao for now…and from everyone who knew you, we would just like to say we all love you.

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