I struggle with a corruptible nature,
yet my mind has been captured by
His Word, causing me to reverse and
change direction; escaping the tent
of affliction.
I've risen into a new life which is
as real as the resurrection. I'm no
longer bound by condemnation, as
i've been set free through the cruc-
ifixion. I love to dissolve my contra-
dictions and live to illuminate His
guiding principles which makes me
stable. I'm rooted deep within the
Kingdom growing taller than the
mountains. God's provision is like
a fountain that overflows and never
ends, enabling us to break through
that from which we contend.
I didn't always live this way. I used
to chase my desires and serve the
flesh, only to find a life of unrest and
fear. Through His grace, He steered
me back onto the narrow path. Lord,
don't allow me to compromise and
fall into demise for you are the
greatest prize, who kept me alive
for the day to finally arrive where
I was determined to live your way -
I'm now revived.
Refine and strengthen me so that I
may bring you praise by passing
the test of faith. You are my foun-
dation - without the Rock, I'm broken
beyond destruction. Align my vision
with your will, may your plan for my
life be fulfilled. Instil unbreakable wis-
dom, which is only gifted through
Christ who is risen.
Without you I have no reason, no
desire to continue. You empower
me through the season by the fruit
of your presence. So I lift my hands
in reverence, grateful for your guiding
hand, directing my steps into the
promised land.