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Updated: Jul 6, 2024

Never run from anxiety,

It will wait for you at the

door...ready for another 

opportunity to bring you 

to the floor. You need to 

face it until your time

comes to soar and fly 

through the storm. I know

it's easy to hide behind a 

facade, but that won't lead

you beyond the stars 

where you belong.

Life is like a book with a million get through it in stages,

In different phases.

In the early chapters, you develop

your core and learn to stand

strong like Mount Zion. How?

Build your life on the rock, in

Gods eternal village where you


Respect the architect of life, and

learn to put Him first. Your destiny

will then be birthed.

In reverence to the awesome

One; I magnify Him through

these words. The One from the

heighest of heights - The place

where the true light comes from,

who makes our futures bright.

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

I lost my footing so i became

an athlete to find my feet. I

couldn't handle the weather,

so You changed the season.

You put life in slow motion to

teach me how to ride the

waves like on the ocean. I di-

dn't know how to move thr-

ough the storm...I was frozen.

You taught me how to find

form and rhythm without 

clear vision - to keep my ba-

lance in turbulence; to stand

strong when challenged. You

allowed me to suffer and

endure tough lessons, so I

would have compassion, and

make You my foundation. 

Verse of the poem:

‭Psalms 91

1:"Whoever dwells in the shelter

of the Most High will rest in the

shadow of the Almighty 2:I will

say of the Lord, He is my refuge

and my fortress, my God, in

whom I trust."

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