Verse of the poem:
Psalm 81
13: If only my people would listen
to me! If only Israel would follow
me! 14: I would quickly defeat
their enemies. I would turn my
power against their foes.
Updated: Oct 14, 2024
Verse of the poem:
Psalm 81
13: If only my people would listen
to me! If only Israel would follow
me! 14: I would quickly defeat
their enemies. I would turn my
power against their foes.
Updated: Nov 7, 2024
Even when we don't understand:
John 6
32: Jesus said, “I tell you the
truth, Moses didn’t give you
bread from heaven. My Father
did. And now he offers you the
true bread from heaven. 33:
The true bread of God is the
one who comes down from
heaven and gives life to the
34: “Sir,” they said, “give us that
bread every day.”
35: Jesus replied, “I am the bread
of life. Whoever comes to me will
never be hungry again. Whoever
believes in me will never be thirsty.
36: But you haven’t believed in me
even though you have seen me.
37: However, those the Father has
given me will come to me, and I will
never reject them. 38: For I have
come down from heaven to do the
will of God who sent me, not to do
my own will. 39: And this is the will
of God, that I should not lose even
one of all those he has given me,
but that I should raise them up at
the last day. 40: For it is my Father’s
will that all who see his Son and
believe in him should have eternal
life. I will raise them up at the last day.”
Updated: Oct 13, 2024